Monday, June 6, 2005

Now That's Democracy

Our ever-faithful shrub has declared over and over again that American foreign policy is guided by the principle of furthering the cause of democracy. If the [P]resident is serious, then he should be embracing the action's of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

As reported in The Christian Science Monitor, "Property tug of war hits Venezuela", the Chavez administration is set to take land from wealthy landholders to be redistributed to the poor. Now, before all you conservatives out there get into a tizzy, Chavez has been reelected by the people twice AND the land reform program passed the Venezuelan Congress back in 2001. This is called democracy in action.

Despite the fact that the actions of the Chavez government are based on democratic principles, Dubya, Blair and many a wealthy corporate head are fit to be tied. You see, conservatives LOVE democracy as long as it benefits the wealthy. They concurrently have little use for democracy when it benefits anybody else!

So Mr. Chavez needs to be on the lookout. I wouldn't be surprised if our own CIA isn't cooking up another scheme to try to remove him from office.

So much for the vaunted and publicized principles of democracy!

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